Saturday 31 July 2010


31st July 2010

Stop moaning-my advice to me.... I was moaning because I don't have a summer house and that my garden is a mess-not to mention the house! I do have a house, a brick one and it is full of wonderful people and wonderful things,just too many of them-things that is not people! I have used buying things to fill a hole that was in me and now my house is full of stuff,all of which I like, not expensive stuff just nice stuff. My conclusion is that I don't have enough house for all my stuff and I can't afford to move..hmmm..that's a problem for another day.

Today was about appreciating what I do have. So after putting my shopping away I thought I would venture into the wilderness that used to be my garden. I dusted off a couple of chairs and sat under my veranda and did some crochet-it was lovely, fresh air and trees whispering in the breeze. I think I had forgotten that just being in my own garden was a privilege that many people would love to have and yes it is a bit abandoned after the last three years I have had(that's a story for another day) but it is green and natural and peaceful,it is also right outside my back door and I can go there whenever I want-that makes me lucky.

I crocheted my newest blanket and then my daughter joined me and sat and made pompoms with our new pompom makers(is that lazy?) and we chatted and had a lovely afternoon together.

Life could be so much worse so I must try and not moan which is easier said than done some days but the main thing is to try

So... I will have to see how tomorrow goes!!